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Eliminating Rake Schedules from the Online Casino is a current article on Online Casino Deposit Methods


Eliminating Rake Schedules from the Online Casino

26 Apr 2006

Whenever you have played online casino poker, you must have realized that when you win a hand, you don't win the entire pot. In fact, if you are playing at $1-$2 dollar Texas Hold'em tables chances are you are getting $1.25 less than the actual pot was originally. Have you ever wondered why this is? Because you are playing against other online casino players and not against the online casino itself, the online casino has a fee schedule that it takes out of the pot known as a rake.

The rake is typically 10% of the pot in $0.25 increments, and rarely exceeds $3. Sure, $1.25 doesn't seem like a lot of money that you are losing out on, but if you look at it in a monthly or yearly scale, it does add up. Let's assume that over the course of a month you win 50 pots at the online casino. Each pot was originally worth $12 dollars and the online casino took $1.25 each time. That means that the casino took $75 dollars from you for the month. Now multiply $75 by 12 and you will see that the online casino has taken $900 from you over the course of the year. $1.25 seems like a lot of money now, doesn't it?

Luckily, many online casinos are eliminating rake schedules all together from their poker rooms. The reason behind this is quite simple; they are trying to bring in new players in hopes of player cross-over. A cross-over in online casino terms means that a poker player, who exclusively plays poker, tries out other games offered by the online casino. Eliminating rakes will probably motivate players to play at a specific rake free online casino, and thus try out all the other features the site has. It certainly is a good idea, and you should definitely find an online casino that offers rake free poker games!

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